Project Background
The New Jersey Innovation Institute hosted this internship to work on a project for the City of Newark. They were looking for people with strong CAD skills and an electrical background so I was perfect for the job. Another student was also selected for this project and we worked together to accomplish their goals. The City of Newark wanted us to take all of their existing fiber-optic CAD drawings and compose one CAD map displaying this information.
At first, this project seemed simple, but then I discovered that the current map was not up to date. I then took it upon myself to update the map so that our CAD drawing would be accurate and usable. I used AutoCAD's geolocation functions to overlay a road map of Newark and then traced it out using polylines. This project was short and we did not get to see it to completion due to funding but I am happy to have taken part in something like this.
Due to an NDA I cannot share any of the City of Newark's drawings but I can show a piece of the map that I was working on.